Additional Funding Opportunity
CommUnity is focused on putting as much money back into our communities as possible, therefore we are introducing another funding opportunity for CommUnity Groups.
For every business that a CommUnity Group registers as a CommUnity Merchant, each participating group approved by CommUnity will receive a $400.00 one off payment once the merchant has paid the annual listing fee of $1000 + GST and becomes an active CommUnity Merchant on the platform. This level of payment will be in place until the end of February 2022, when the payment will go back to the normal $150 for each CommUnity Merchant registration. If there is any alteration to this, participating CommUnity Groups will be notified in writing. CommUnity has a number of Ambassadors who also register merchants and if a CommUnity Group registers a CommUnity Merchant with significant help from an Ambassador, then the commission will be split 50/50 between the Ambassador and the group, with the payment coming through the official CommUnity Ambassador to the CommUnity Group. If there is an agreement between the CommUnity Group and the Ambassador where the CommUnity Group should get more than 50% of the commission, then that agreement is between the CommUnity Group and the CommUnity Ambassador. If you have any queries regarding this opportunity, please contact us at or on 0800 782 888.
For a CommUnity Group to be credited with a CommUnity Merchant registration, the merchant will have to enter the name of the CommUnity Group as exactly displayed in the CommUnity Group app or website directory. This ‘Group Name’ e.g Red Cross New Zealand needs to be entered in the ‘Ambassador Code’ field during the last step when the merchant is completing their registration. If no name is entered, CommUnity has no way of tracking or ‘tagging’ the group that has encouraged the merchant to register as a CommUnity Merchant and the commission cannot be paid.
See the below example of the highlighted ‘Ambassador Code’ field in the Merchant Registration Portal:
At present CommUnity’s structure includes Ambassadors whose main focus is to involve CommUnity Groups and to sign up CommUnity Merchants. These Ambassadors are contracted and are paid through ‘commissions’ on each Merchant registration they manage (at this stage), or they can choose to give those commissions to a charity or CommUnity Group. Ambassadors can also be Volunteers. These ‘commission’ payments to the Ambassadors (if they choose to be paid) are paid each year the merchant remains a merchant and the Ambassador remains an Ambassador as there are ongoing roles for the Ambassadors. This role for Ambassadors can be second or third jobs and can tag onto existing roles. Being an Ambassador can also be a part time role and requires a love of the community and people. The Ambassador needs to know their local community very well including community groups, merchants and be happy to communicate with local media and councils. They are an integral part of CommUnity’s structure.