Group Dashboard Examples
CommUnity is here to help your organisation prosper as our sole purpose is to generate ongoing, untagged funding for Kiwi community groups. CommUnity is a sustainable platform designed from the ground up, right here in New Zealand to generate funding for those eligible groups in need of funding —at no cost or risk to you or your organisation.
It costs your Community Group… nothing!
Register your organisation as a CommUnity Group through our simple, one page registration tool. CommUnity Members can then choose to support you as one of their three nominated CommUnity Groups as part of their registration. Every time a CommUnity Member shops at a CommUnity Merchant, you will be eligible to receive a percentage of the money spent—giving you a sustainable new ongoing revenue stream.
What does my group portal look like and what information can I view?
Below are some examples of a CommUnity Group dashboard (Web & App) once you have successfully registered and become an active CommUnity Group. There are some fantastic stats and vital information available to your group when logged into your secure group portal.
Some examples include – view the total funds raised by all CommUnity Members that have selected your group as one of their three groups to support, view up to top ten merchants by trading name supporting your group, see the total number of CommUnity Members who are supporting your group, view location and industry type of merchants supporting your group along with a breakdown of your group members showing age range, gender and location.
Your group portal becomes a powerful tool to manage and track funding that is generated by your members through making purchases at any of our CommUnity Merchants.
Group Dashboard Overview – Web Portal
Group Funds Raised – Web Portal
Group Dashboard – CommUnity App