Support local businesses and help your community groups thrive!
Register as a CommUnity Member and every time you shop at a participating CommUnity Merchant, paying for your purchases directly from your bank account or by using any of your eftpos, debit or credit cards, a percentage of each transaction will be past onto the CommUnity Groups or charities of your choice. Simply register as a CommUnity Member on our website or through our app, link your bank accounts that you use for everyday purchases, select up to three community groups you want to support then seek out and shop at any of our CommUnity Merchants (retailers) to benefit the causes you care about. It really is that simple and it doesn’t cost you a cent.
- We do not store bank and/or card account information or have any access to your bank and/or card account numbers and balances. We only process ‘matched transactions’ from purchases you make at any of our CommUnity Merchants for our system to then calculate the % of funding to be distributed to your chosen CommUnity Groups.
CommUnity has partnered with Akahu to provide secure access to transactional data directly from your New Zealand bank accounts
Akahu is New Zealand’s open finance platform. It is also a New Zealand company which employs local staff and is part-owned by Westpac New Zealand. For consumers, Akahu puts you in control of your personal data. Akahu makes it simple to access data and to share that data with trusted third parties like CommUnity.
When you are progressing through the CommUnity ‘linking bank account’ verification process, you are (optionally) redirected to Akahu and are asked to connect your bank account(s).
CommUnity uses transaction data from your connected accounts to automatically identify purchases made at CommUnity Merchants. This enables us to identify as much qualifying spend as possible, and maximise your contribution back to your community.
When you log in, you will see a dashboard which shows funds raised from your spending at CommUnity Merchants which goes towards your chosen CommUnity Groups.
It is that simple! No more loyalty cards, scanning of codes in-store, or multiple apps or programs to record your purchases. You simply pay the way you normally pay, and CommUnity does the rest automatically. This is 21st century technology and the way of the future.
It really is that simple and secure!
Additional Benefits
Aside from financially supporting the CommUnity Groups and charities that are important to you, CommUnity Members also benefit from:
- Exclusive promotions and deals direct from CommUnity Merchants as an additional reward for your continued loyalty
- Real-time tracking of the amount of money you have raised. Log in via our website or download the CommUnity App to see your live dashboard
- No longer needing to carry around a wallet full of loyalty cards
- Finding CommUnity Groups and local charities to donate to, all in one place
- Less emphasis on having to attend cake stalls and sausage sizzles to support the CommUnity Groups that matter to you
- CommUnity will save you money and time spent fundraising
- Merchants who are members of community groups will now be able to benefit from being involved as they are both receiving and giving support
- Less talk of money and more participation in the activities of community groups
Everybody wins!

How do I join?
Register with CommUnity by clicking on the ‘Sign Up’ tabs on this website or through the CommUnity App (available from the App Store and Google Play). Once you have provided us with a few basic personal details and linked your bank accounts that you use for everyday purchases including your eftpos, debit and credit card accounts, you will be asked to select up to three community groups or charities that you want to support.
You can change the groups that you support at any time, and if the group you want to support has not registered with us yet, you can invite them to join CommUnity here. Then, all you have to do is shop at CommUnity Merchants and you will be raising money for your selected Community Groups. Support local. It is just better business!
Choose your CommUnity Groups
You can select up to three CommUnity Groups to support. You can browse our list of registered Community Groups by name, location or category. If the Community Group you want to support is not listed, you are able to invite them to become a CommUnity Group here.
If the group that you nominate fails to meet our legal and ethical requirements, we will let you know and allow you to choose another group to support. CommUnity also reserves the right to refuse to register any community group or to remove a group from CommUnity at any time.
Shop at CommUnity Merchants
The success of CommUnity revolves around having the largest number of NZ merchants registered as CommUnity Merchants. If every dollar spent by a CommUnity Member was spent at a CommUnity Merchant we would be generating the most money possible back to community groups. We have made it easier to shop at CommUnity Merchants understanding it will take time to encourage every merchant to be involved. Simply use the CommUnity website or smartphone app to search CommUnity Merchants near you and even get directions to their door! You can identify CommUnity Merchants by CommUnity signage in their windows and CommUnity Merchant counter displays at checkout. If you would like to encourage a merchant that you shop at regularly to become a CommUnity Merchant so that a percentage of each transaction from purchases you make at this merchant goes back to your chosen groups, you can send them an invite by clicking here.
CommUnity will also let you know about any promotions or deals your local CommUnity Merchants may be offering, as well keeping you up to date with the latest CommUnity news from your nominated CommUnity Groups.

What’s The Catch?
No catch!
CommUnity costs you nothing, has no loyalty cards to keep track of and helps support the community groups you choose.
All you need to do is shop at our CommUnity Merchants.
Want to do more? Encourage your friends and whānau to sign up as CommUnity Members or ask your favourite local businesses to become CommUnity Merchants. The more CommUnity Members and Merchants, the more money is given back to local communities.
Sign up. Shop. See your impact. Help spread the word!